Same day delivery on weekdays is available with orders placed before 1pm, within 10km of our store.
Orders must be received by 1pm for same day delivery ($5 delivery fee) and shall be delivered by 5pm. Orders received after 1pm, will be delivered the following day.
If you require morning delivery (weekday only), please choose that option. Delivery is not available for specific times.
Please note weekend and public holiday orders must be received by 11am for same day deliveries. We do not deliver outside our 10km zone on weekends.
Weekend delivery is an additional $5, excluding Mothers Day and Valentines Day. Our small bunch is not available for delivery on weekends.
Please phone 0456 777 735 to organize delivery outside the 15km zone, also deliveries to Denmark and Mt Barker.
Delivery to Goode Beach is only available for a minimum spend of $70 plus $20 delivery fee, on weekdays
Suburbs included within 10km of our store:
Albany CBD - Mount Melville - Mira Mar - Centennial Park - Albany Hospital - Mount Elphinstone - Mount Clarence - Spencer Park - Port Albany - Seppings - Lockyer - Middleton Beach - Yakamia - Orana - Collingwood Park - Lange - Robinson - Collingwood Heights - Milpara - Walmsley - Mckail - Emu Point - Little Grove - Gledhow - Warrenup (as far as Menang Dr) - Bayonet Head - Cuthbert (as far as Trebor Rd)